Fleurs Joyeuses : Buttons Marchetti

Fleurs Joyeuses : Buttons Marchetti

Button's latest collection was inspired by being outside in the sunlight and seeing the changing shape and textures on objects throughout the day. Button's signature style is remarkable. We hope you will enjoy each new piece.

Mississippi Sunflower

Buttons spent a wonderful evening with us at Caron Gallery Tupelo on Thursday, October 19th. While we sipped on wine and dug into a delicious meal from Park Heights, Buttons told story after story about how she got to this point in her journey. 

She talked fondly about finding oil paint through her mother's crafting hobby of painting basket purses. After childhood, she chose art as a major at Ole Miss. She remembers being told to "add more paint" to her palette by the long tenured painting professor, Jerry Allen. She dove head first into watercolor with Wyatt Waters after returning to Jackson, but went back to oil to start her career.

Pink Dahlia

 Buttons finds her inspiration in being outside in nature and sunlight. She says that she sees the images of her paintings in her head and just has to put them on the wood panels she prefers to canvas.

She keeps a neat work bench but lets her palette remain wild.

Buttons is constantly working on a few pieces at a time and goes into her studio drawn to something new everyday. She might paint for 20 minutes one day and hours on another. Her passion for painting seeps into every moment of her life and her joy is evident in each smile.

Although each composition is a challenge, she hopes that her finished collection inspires collectors to find joy in her hard work.

Bluebird Paradise

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