Carved and Collaged : Stephanie Flier

Stephanie Flier is a magician with a carving knife. The way she wields her tools and transforms paper into greatness is unmatched. Her illustrations are detailed and meticulous. Stephanie finds her greatest inspiration in "experiencing and observing nature." 
Although she is a native Mississippian, her studio is located at Lowe Mill A&E in Huntsville, AL. Stephanie says, "I’m surrounded by over 150 other working artist studios. I think that is a big inspiration daily for me- to be in a space where I can see other people working and create alongside them."
Wake Up Call by Stephanie Flier
 Her pieces reflect so much attention to detail. Just like the one above. The composition is intricate and beautiful, the colors are thoughtful. Stephanie says, "working out a way to make blocks that I can reuse, but created with the purpose to allow the freedom of configuring the prints made from them in completely different ways in a collage to make one of a kind pieces was a challenge at first, but it is something I really have ended up enjoying and look forward to continuing in future work."
Little Daisy III by Stephanie Flier
Autumn Crow by Stephanie Flier
"I really hope they appreciate not only the imagery, but can see my passion for printmaking. I got so much enjoyment out of making these, and I hope that energy comes through when viewing them," says Stephanie.
We're overjoyed to bring you Carved and Collaged and we cannot wait to see it hanging in your homes. 
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