5th Anniversary | The Need for More Art

Celebrating our fifth anniversary last week was very surreal for me. It seems like yesterday I was developing the website and wondering if I could find artists who would trust me to represent their art. Now there are over 50 artists represented in the gallery and every week at least one artist asks to be represented. I wish I could accept everyone, but that’s not realistic. Friends and clients often ask me how I decide which artists to add and it’s always the same answer. Would I want to hang their art in my own home? My husband and I have been collecting art for over 20 years and it includes so many different styles, colors and price points. Yes, the budget always comes into play in the decision process. But it’s not just about price. There are pieces that we love but we spent very little on. There are often memories or stories attached to each piece. Sometimes we would buy art on vacation, hoping it would fit into our carry-on luggage. Other times we would purchase art at a silent auction fundraiser for one of the kid’s schools. We love them all for the stories they tell. Now the kids are young adults and each piece is a memory trigger of our times together. We continue to collect art and don’t worry where we will put it. There is always a spot we can squeeze it into or move a few of things around to make space. I hope it never gets to a point that we feel our home doesn’t need more art.

- Kim Caron

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