Familiar Places : Andrea Kostyal

Andrea Kostyal brings us the comfort and joy of home. She's based in Hattiesburg, but has seen the world. Her fascination with architecture and new cultures inspires her to dig deep.

This collection brings you Tupelo, Laurel, and New Orleans locally, but also Guadalajara, Mexico, Budapest, Hungary, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the coastal towns in Croatia and Italy.

Each piece contains scenes from her global journeys. She travels every summer and photographs interesting architecture and unique cultural experiences. When she returns home to Hattiesburg she collages using a photo transfer technique then paints with acrylic, oil, and watercolors.

Andrea hopes that when you look upon her paintings you will be able to imagine the world behind the imagery. Her dreamlike pieces take you to the foot of the Columbia court house, the front door of the Hattiesburg library, and even the beaches of the Italian coastline.

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