Ellen Langford is constantly creating magic. "This particular collection is almost all new work and is centered specifically around ideas I’ve been ruminating on about the importance of FUN," she said about her newest collection.

All the Things We Say
About this collection Ellen said: "First, I'd like to give credit for the title of this show, “It’s Only Life After All” - this line is taken from the Indigo Girls Song “Closer to Fine”, which I’ve known and loved for decades, and which has recently been featured in the Barbie movie." Each one of Ellen's pieces from this collection embodies this lyric. The richness of the narrative is a beautiful portrait of a beautifully lived life.

This Joy
"Most of my story-painting work follows my familiar themes of place, groundedness, family familiars, and the like," said Ellen.

These Particular Connections
"...This heartbreaking world is breaking my heart (and probably yours as well). So how do I, as one lone middle-aged lady, make any difference here? I think through playfulness, connection and flow. Through FUN. When we see, and treat, people as OTHER, we have lost all sense of playfulness, connection and flow. We see the world in black and white, binary terms. Us versus Them. We lose all sense of fun. While we definitely need policy change, and to cry out against injustice at every turn, we also desperately need the life-bringing stories of art, music, dance and the like. To live through the horror, and to emerge on the other side, and to then thrive, We do in fact very much need playfulness, connection and flow - the essential elements of fun. It’s only life after all…"

Connecting in the Sunshine
Inspired largely by her precious son Ellen said, "My baby, my son, will be graduating from high school so soon and is stoically taking on the immense responsibilities presented to him at this stage: paying for college, making life plans, being self-sufficient. I have tried to be the parent who instills in him a loving lightness about life, tried to encourage taking time to figure things out instead of diving right in, but my voice in that conversation is not the dominant one, so in he is diving, donning all that weight on his young shoulders. I long to convey to him the importance of keeping playfulness, connection and flow at the forefront of his journey. The journey is so precious, sweet one. Remember to have a little fun on the way; It’s only life after all, my baby, my son."

Through every phase of this creating this collection Ellen focused on playfulness: "I think we all are challenged to be honest about the tough things in life. I try to remember to dance with my wife, go running on trails with friends, play board game and cards, engage in intellectually delightful conversations with friend and family."

It's About the Importance of Time
Ellen brought us to tears when she said she hoped this collection would, "further nurture the connection we all can truly share with one another and our world when we remember what's important. It's not what divides us; it's what unites us."
